As Mental Health Champions, we at CMB are making a pledge to make a conscious effort to improve the facilities and services on offer to our staff to support them with their mental health.
Mental Health awareness is becoming increasingly more talked about and prioritised in society and we want to contribute towards this positive change.
The construction industry is one of the worst hit industry's in the world for mental health issues and suicide rates and therefore we are making it our responsibility to help our staff and provide them with the support they may need.
As an organisation we are looking to raise awareness and are actively investing to tackle this issue, both generally and within the industry we operate in.
Our Mental Health Policy can be found here.
We ask that if any of our staff or colleagues need any support whatsoever regarding their mental health to please contact us on MH@cmbeng.co.uk.
Our Mental Health Champions are wanting to help at all times and they are there for your support.